The best use cases of ARGOplay applied to training or internal communication
Augmented Posters – Augmented Greeting Card – Internal Communication
Use Case: ManPower X ARGO
In order to improve internal communication, the ManPower Group decided to implement an augmented poster in its agencies. It is an intelligent poster present in all the agencies that delivers the academy’s news.
The solution is very simple: each agency has its own poster, and the partners scan the poster via the ARGOplay app on their smartphones. The poster then comes to life and delivers the new videos or documents posted online.
Use Case: BNP Paribas E&RE X ARGO
BNP Paribas Epargne & Retraite Entreprises has decided to integrate augmented reality into its internal communications.
The place of information and communication is going to become even more important, in a world where there will certainly be more distance, keeping this link in a rather warm way will be essential.
Nowadays, we are seeing a transformation in the way we communicate, both digitally and in our habits. Attention is reduced and therefore, everything that is written as we used to use it before, today doesn’t work anymore. Augmented reality will attract attention and the eye and then allows those who wish to get more information thanks to the integrated links in AR).
In a first time, AR will be used for all those who want information internally, then in a second time externally with their partners.

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